Who are we?

Bridome Ltd is a company based at The Courtyard, Wisley, Surrey, GU23 6QL. The Company registration number is 2006438. This policy sets out what information we collect about you when you visit our website and/or use our services, and how we handle your information to protect your rights.

What type of data do we hold and what do we use it for?

Personal data can take many forms. The personal data we collect is made up from the information you give us during your use of our website, the provision of services to our clients (and prospective clients) and during our communication with you, as well as managing the day-to-day operations of our business.

We hold basic personal data (name, title, company, address, phone and email) so we can respond to an enquiry about our services, scope and deliver our services, keep accurate client records, maintain relationships with clients (and prospective clients) and conduct the day-to-day operations of our business i.e. processing client invoices.

We inform clients and potential clients about special offers and new products and services that may be of interest to them.

We do not purchase or obtain any supplemental personal information about you from any third parties. We do not obtain, store or process special category personal data.

What is the legal basis for processing your data?

We will only process your data where we have a lawful basis for doing so. This will be one of the following:

(a) the processing needed before entering into a contract

(b) the processing necessary to ensure we are compliant with our legal obligations

(c) the processing necessary to fulfil our legitimate interests, i.e. day-to-day management of our business

(d) an individual has given us clear consent to process their personal data for a particular purpose

Who do we share your data with?

Bridome Ltd will not disclose your personal information to a third party without first receiving your permission, or unless we are instructed to do so by a recognised legal authority or to satisfy a legal obligation.

Security of our Website

Bridome Ltd takes all reasonable steps to protect your personal data from unauthorised access, loss, misuse alteration or corruption. However, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you disclose online.


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Disabling Cookies

You can manage Cookies by changing your browser settings to block or delete Cookies (www.allaboutcookies.org). Disabling Cookies can affect the functionality of this and other websites you visit. Disabling Cookies will usually result in also disabling certain functionality and features of this site. Therefore, it is recommended that you do not disable Cookies.

What are your rights?

You may (a) request access to a copy of your personal data (b) ask us to rectify inaccurate information held about you (c) ask us to delete the personal data we hold about you (d) ask us to provide you with the personal data we hold about you (e) ask us to send such personal data to another data controller.

How can you contact us?

You can get in touch with us by emailing: info@bridome.co.uk


Bridome Ltd

The Courtyard



GU23 6QL

Tel: 01932 350365